First Large Painted Design on GlassFirst Large Painted Design on GlassView album or this photoArkansas 2009Arkansas 2009View album or this photoBefore The GameBefore The GameView album or this photoThe Monument Against Time: First DrawingsThe Monument Against Time: First DrawingsView album or this photoStudy Models (2007)Study Models (2007)View album or this photoHow I Design A SculptureHow I Design A SculptureView album or this photoThe Yellow SculptureThe Yellow SculptureView album or this photoIrrational FormsIrrational FormsView album or this photoNew Large SculptureNew Large SculptureView album or this photoExperiments with Laser LightExperiments with Laser LightView album or this photoFirst Ultraviolet Photography ExperimentsFirst Ultraviolet Photography ExperimentsView album or this photoArkansas Infrared:The Hut Where the Waters EndArkansas Infrared:The Hut Where the Waters EndView album or this photoArkansas Infrared: RedbankArkansas Infrared: RedbankView album or this photoArkansas Infrared: Beyond the Far FieldsArkansas Infrared: Beyond the Far FieldsView album or this photoArkansas Infrared: Ike's Winds and the Flooded ForestArkansas Infrared: Ike's Winds and the Flooded...View album or this photo(nearly) Completed Second Outdoor Sculpture(nearly) Completed Second Outdoor SculptureView album or this photoFirst Outdoor Metal SculptureFirst Outdoor Metal SculptureView album or this photoChicago Infrared SkylineChicago Infrared SkylineView album or this photo
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