All Users > Caitlin Skinner > trip to toubacouta, senegal > tckane17 trip to toubacouta, senegal: tckane17 tckane17 a little motivation to work faster: the konkoran (no idea how to spell it). traditionally, it's a scary creature that houses an evil spirit that will hurt you if you aren't working hard enough. note the machetes in each hand. still exists for such purposes actually. i was standing next to two children when it appeared. i asked, in wolof, what it was. they replied, in tears, "THE CONCURAN!" and promptly hid. <--Previous   Next-->    
tckane17   (58 of 67)   View Original Image
trip to toubacouta, senegal  -  little village north of the gambia.
mid september 2006. we went there to camp out with some university students that lived near the village, and to experience some of the "cultural traditions" that senegal is known for: lutte (form of wrestling), the mangroves, clearing fields while running from the concuran, etc. all in all, it was a very educational four days. and man, did we eat a lot.
Caitlin Skinner  
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