All Users > Cassie Schmitz > Colca Canyon Trek > cassie 068 Colca Canyon Trek: cassie 068 cassie 068 Our awful room that we stayed at in Chachas. There was a lovely shower curtain that separated the "rooms". The bathroom was absolutely disgusting and had not been cleaned for years. This was probably one of the worst places that I have ever stayed. The other small towns we passed through on the hike were lovely, but Chachas was a hellhole. Everyone seemed really unhappy, except for the drunk people, which was half the population. <--Previous   Next-->    
Haha! I don't know what is wrong with me. I always have empathy to people. But everything happened there is either interesting or pretty funny to me. I still want to go there despite all the discouragement. It is just way different and neat!
-Kelly, Aug 29, 2010 9:23 PM

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