All Users > Christina McFall > St. John the Forerunner Less Details
1b01 view west of guest house porch4820
5b05 fruit trees - apple, pear, cherry4820
4b04 toilets, fruit trees4940
3b03 lilacs and fruit trees w of guest house4950
30b31 more pretty4970
2b02 guest house porch - rooms to left, kitchen ahead4980
14b14 pansies between church and monastery4990
31b32 now the roses are in bloom5000
19b19 shaft of light5010
11b12 guest house again - not actually tilted like this, more yellow in hue5020
18b18 icons, white and gold hanging5090
6b06 church from SW5100
16b16 behold the green rug5110
10b11 nun crossing, faucet5180
28b29 entrance to school5230
15b15 my room had a name5250
8b09 flags again5260
36b34 interesting mural5290
7b08 Greece England Germany Japan Estonia Austria America Athens Macedonia and who knows where else5310
9b10 plants on front porch5310
29b30 pretty5350
17b17 in the light of the halogen heater5360
20b21 icon with lilies of the valley5380
26b27 I thought the sign was funny5390
35b36 for E's benefit (hooray for being self-referential)5400
27b28 your average street in Larissa, near train station5480
12b12 guest house5510
21b22 ceremony pre-unveiling5630
25b26 sorry for abrupt change; shop in Larissa5630
24b25 wider view5690
32b33 old guy toodling along on bicycle6100
23b24 ringleader of mosaic-makers, Theangeli, unidentified goat-loving nun, Monica, Theoniki6210
34b26 sorry for abrupt change; shop in Larissa6440
13b13 looking NNE toward entrance8070
22b23 chanting nuns L-R, Theodekti, Theoniki, Theologi8210
33b20 church early in the morning9140