All Users > James Dinnerville > What I'm working on right now (the 4th painting on glass) > fourthwork 009 What I'm working on right now (the 4th painting on glass): fourthwork 009 fourthwork 009 Each design usually takes about two nights to carve out. I cannot allow for any mistakes as they will show up in the unpainted areas. Also, as I cut I'm essentially committing to the design on the first pass. Though elements I've drawn in previous sketches usually appear in these paintings, the design for each painting emerges as I work on it. This is to attain both a naturalistic and contemplative design. <--Previous   Next-->    
fourthwork 009   (2 of 8)   View Original Image
What I'm working on right now (the 4th painting on glass)  -  Normally I wouldn't post an artwork until it was finished, but this time I felt like showing what I was up to because this one is taking a while and I might have to to take a break from it. This is the first one that really comes close to the level of quality and craftsmanship I've always wanted and so wanted to upload a record of the process in case there are setbacks or it has to be delayed. Most of the pics have captions.
James Dinnerville  
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