All Users > James Dinnerville > The Battle of the Sixth Painting More Details
The Battle of the Sixth Painting
I've been working on this one for over a month now and the end does not seem in sight... so I figured I'd update my progress till now. Note that some pics are with and w/o flashes: The flash changes the look of the colors but my apartment is too dimly lit to shoot otherwise.
Created: March 2010Plans link:Download Album
sixthunfinished 004c.jpgsixthunfinishe...sixthunfinished 018c.jpgsixthunfinishe...sixthunfinished 024c.jpgsixthunfinishe...sixthunfinished 037c.jpgsixthunfinishe...sixthunfinished 038c.jpgsixthunfinishe...sixthunfinished 041c.jpgsixthunfinishe...sixthunfinished 044c.jpgsixthunfinishe...sixthunfinished 045c.jpgsixthunfinishe...sixthunfinished 046c.jpgsixthunfinishe...sixthunfinished 048c.jpgsixthunfinishe...