All Users > James Dinnerville > Nine Minutes in the Rain at Midway Airport > MidwayDay1 006cBW Nine Minutes in the Rain at Midway Airport: MidwayDay1 006cBW MidwayDay1 006cBW Yuh, hum... this is a nice shot, though some would insist that it be centered differently. Note the way the port wing is trailing moisture off its flaps. Also, just enough of the canopy is showing to give the nose a recognizeable, yet tough look. But, like the others, it looks a little flatter than it should in the low-Res version. <--Previous   Next-->    
MidwayDay1 006cBW   (5 of 7)   View Original Image
Nine Minutes in the Rain at Midway Airport  -  These have been reduced in quality from HiRes to fit on GG. In general I'm satisfied with a shoot that lasted under ten minutes, allowed me about fourteen shots, was in the rain and in dark lighting conditions and that involved subjects going 200mph. There were a few shots that were total losses because I led the subject too much (it took me a minute to re-learn what I've learned shooting trains for five years... frame your image and let a fast moving subject move into it... don't try to lead it like you're in a dogfight). And yes, they're too dark, but I didn't want to go overboard and lighten them post-shoot like a lot of people would have. I honestly don't believe in cropping and only did it for the two shots because I didn't think there was any documentary sin involved in taking out empty air.
James Dinnerville  
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