All Users > James Dinnerville > Back to the Yards, Part II > MarchYards 104cReduced Back to the Yards, Part II: MarchYards 104cReduced MarchYards 104cReduced <--Previous   Next-->
MarchYards 104cReduced   (10 of 10)   View Original Image
Back to the Yards, Part II  -  These have been reduced in quality to fit on GG. I've taken shots at this same yard for nearly a decade, but since some of my pics have made it into the local papers and art exhibits other people have started to show up at my old vantage points. To get a good shot, though, you need to become familiar with yard operations... this is the only way to know when to change your position or to anticipate what's going to happen next. 5100 was assembling a train... The other guy had what he thought was a great vantage point, but he didn't know when to switch as it powered up.
James Dinnerville  
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