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'Agamemnon':Troy, Exteriors, Interiors, and Characters
In the text there are three separate monologues where the characters describe events at Troy. For our production they will take the form of 'flashbacks'. Here are most of the major components for the Troy sequences, save for a few of the walls and figures I created.
Created: August 2010Plans link:Download Album
TroyExtGate.jpgTroyExtGateTroyExtWall.jpgTroyExtWallMycenaeStele.jpgMycenaeSteleTrojanHorse.jpgTrojanHorseTroyPriam.jpgTroyPriamTroyRoyalFloor.jpgTroyRoyalFloorTroyRoyalGuard.jpgTroyRoyalGuardTroy 006.JPGTroy 006TroyDoubleEagle.jpgTroyDoubleEagl...TroyExtWallFlat.jpgTroyExtWallFla...TroyDude.jpgTroyDude