All Users > James Dinnerville > 'Agamemnon':Some 'Lion's Gate' Designs > AgLionGate3 'Agamemnon':Some 'Lion's Gate' Designs: AgLionGate3 AgLionGate3 The lion built by Atreus, father of Agamemnon. In the production it will appear elevated on a hill or platform, facing the lion of the Perseids. I've also imagined placing several damaged or destroyed lions around the base of the citadel, indicating kings that have been overthrown or discommendated.
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AgLionGate3   (2 of 4)   View Original Image
'Agamemnon':Some 'Lion's Gate' Designs  -  Aeschylus' text refers to Agamemnon being the king of Argos, however many other texts associate him with Mycenae. Either way, both were in the same region (or one controlled the geographic approach to the other) and would possibly have been under the seniorage of the other at that time. That's why i took the liberty of using Mycenae's 'Lion's Gate' landmark as a starting point for these works, which will rest outside Ag's citadel in the production (the text refers to sculptures and altars around the stage). The text also routinely refers to Ag as a lion (as do other ancient works) and so it seems fair game to use a lion's head design to represent the House of Atreus. Note that the real world Lion's Heads do not resemble my designs.
James Dinnerville  
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